
Thursday, December 2, 2010

We've moved

Yep. I'm still trying to figure out this blogging thing, so.... forgive my unsettledness!

You can find my blog (including the old posts from this one HERE.

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Trying new things

Today, I'd like to talk about an artist that I really admire, and who I'm so thankful for - Carla Sonheim.

I always believed I couldn't draw. Crafting, knitting, sewing, stamping, yes. Drawing or painting? No way, no talent.

Then I found her book and her blog. I can't tell you how much it changed the way I see drawing and painting! I feel no pressure with her exercises, and that helps me have fun with it. And guess what? That made my drawings much better.  I'm still no illustrator, but I don't hate what I draw anymore. I have so much fun doing it that I now carry a little sketchbook with me everywhere I go, with some markers, coloring pencils, and chalk. I'm constantly doodling when I have the chance.

There are some amazing women artists and crafters out there, and some of them have inspired me tremendously to get out of my shell, try out new things, challenge my perceptions of what I can and can't do. Here are two of the results from following her lab.

Giraffe illustration

What are your limits? What do you think you can't do? I hope you can find some inspiration, like Carla inspired me, to have fun with it.